Which one of us would like to be an occasion for the torture of innocent animals for the sake of a lipstick or a mascara? Unfortunately, some unscrupulous companies advocate experimenting on animals. Personally, I believe companies prefer to do experiments on animals because it is a cheaper and easier way to do it. There is no need for all this torture and degradation of nature because it will be cheap.
Safety of Experimented Products
First of all, animal experiments rarely guarantee that medicines and other products are safe and effective for humans. For example, Thalidomide, has passed as the blackest stain in the history of medicine. Due to this medicine, the babies' hands and feet could not develop, blindness and deafness were also observed in infants although it has been tried on lots of animals without any negative effects.
However, when it was released to the markets, it led to serious deformities in humans.
Secondly, harming any living creature, which has feelings and senses, is ethically wrong. There is no difference between humans and animals when it comes to causing harm and pain; we all suffer and none of us want to be held captive and tortured. If it is ethically wrong for people to be subjected to experiments and torture without consent, then it is also wrong to do this to an animal who can't explain his feeling by talking like us. They only can show us their thoughts or emotions by their behaviors.
Substitute Methods
Thirdly, we do not need torturing when there are alternative methods that exist:
In Vitro Testes
In Vitro Testes involves testing drugs and chemicals on a cell that is produced in a laboratory environment, rather than testing them on animals.
Tissue Organ Baths
Recently, animal experiments have been replaced by tests on human tissue samples, as drug effects and side effect studies have given more accurate results. Human tissue samples are obtained from pieces of tissue removed from humans after surgery. It's a more reliable method than animal experiments.
In Sliko techniques
Tests of this type are based on simulations of the body, organs created using computer programmes, and sometimes mathematical equations. Computer programmes and mathematical equations help to understand the basic principles of biology.
Last but not least, as sensitive human beings, our job is to check our shampoos and makeup whether animals were tested on during the production. Never say: "I believe in my makeup brand." before checking them. Even the big companies can be unexpected.