"She was a straight-A student, now, she is just as ordinary as a student who scarcely passes their exams... maybe she wasn't just good enough from the very beginning."
"Why don't you just get up and study, you are not even sleeping. You weren't like that before, what has gotten into you?!"
"He was brilliant, now he is lying in bed as if there is no tomorrow"
If you hear this similar words like these so often then you might have burnt out. What is being burnt out though?
Even though it is frequently mistaken as laziness, mostly by our relatives it is not. The exact definition of burning out is this:
To become extremely tired or sick by working too hard over a period of time.
If someone is lazy they are not doing anything because they don't want to, if someone is burnt out then this is not because they don't wanna do anything it's because they can't due to the effects of overworking. A burnt-out person has a goal in mind and tries to reach that while a lazy person is just lying down. You can say dozens of examples like these.
I will explain this situation to you with a real-life example. When I first started talking to a coach I said her that my life is a combination of two steps patterning over and over.
The first one is my productive phase where I study hard, read dozens of books (including educational ones), participate in activities, keep in touch with my friends, etc. So in this phase, I endeavor for my goals, but I overdo it, expectedly I just burn out, and with this phase comes the second phase that terrifies me even when I think that it might come anytime.
The second phase is indisputably the worst. This is a phase when I am so exhausted from studying that I feel too tired to even get out of bed, I don't even want to read books or Webtoons (which are my favorite things to do in life). But that's not because I am lazy, or because I am in depression. As I said the cause of this is overdoing something over a long period of time.
As a resolution to being burnt out, professionals mostly suggest reducing the work they have to do, and this is not quite possible mostly. The main thing that causes people to work harder than their physical/mental health can take is today's world, right now things you can do today are constrained by standards that are growing higher and higher every single day.
For instance, you say "I know 3 languages" but they say "3? Meh, you have to know at least 4" you say that you have participated in 2 school clubs, and they say why not 4. It is challenging and overwhelming to keep up with these standards. I'm sure, or at least I just wanna be sure, there are people like me who struggle to do everything at once.
So calling out to those who just think that people like me are lazy: "We already are stressed enough, and when you talk with zero knowledge of our situation it stresses us more, so we don't need to hear your opinions."
From a friend you can feel comfortable when talking to