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21 Nis 20223 dakikada okunur
Neoliberalism and Its Impacts on Society
What is Neoliberalism and when was it born? Neoliberalism is a political ideology based on the economy that emerged in the 1970s....
86 görüntüleme0 yorum
Aslıhan Söylemez
19 Mar 20222 dakikada okunur
Çin ile Tayvan Arasındaki Gerginlik
Çin ile Tayvan arasındaki gerginliğin artması ve günümüzdeki durumu
131 görüntüleme0 yorum
cemre türkmen
19 Mar 20223 dakikada okunur
On The Way To The Republic: Barbados
Barbados, which passed to the Republican administration, announced its first elected president. Dame Sandra Mason was elected to a...
53 görüntüleme1 yorum
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